You opted for the harder job. The new challenge. And you’re not a novice. You are already a paid, professional writer.

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Thanks for the reminder Kevin!! ❤️

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For tackling grief for you and your family, you are doing fine!! God holds the playing cards, and deals from the deck as he sees fit. For writing, what comes to mind is Lincoln writing the Gettysburg address on the back of an envelope on the train on the way to the gathering place on the battlefield and the podium to read it and speak. ( or at least that is the way I read or was taught about it, the way it happened, if memory serves me well .) maybe what I am saying, is, it came to his mind quick, and he just wrote w a pen or pencil, as if brushing crumbs off the envelope in a fastish fashion.

Hey, enjoy your week! Also, please more photos from your jaunt to New Orleans!

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I love this point Stephen - that succinct is better. Lincoln really said it all in so few words. I get to go down to the Lincoln Memorial (30 minutes away from my house) and sometimes read his words carved into the walls. Feels like a good time to do that again! Plus my dad is a huge Lincoln groupie. Sounds like a little tap on the shoulder from the universe via your comment. Thanks so much!

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Your words are powerful and reach out to unfurl some tightly held, stuck in the muck thinking. I immediately grabbed my journal this morning to write out what surfaced for me after reading this week’s wisdom you have shared. Shaking off those pesky gremlins on this rainy Saturday morning!

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Suzy, thanks so much for your comment! We are here to shake each other out of the thought patterns that are not serving us. I’m more and more convinced that TL’s purpose is to just remind us of things we already know. We need each other for that! Thanks for being a loyal reader! ❤️

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Writing is hard, nothing to do with all of a sudden inspiring muses around you whispering the right words, as most people believe, but you got this, Sue. Those struggles are only sympthoms that you are in the right path , enjoying the process. Thanks for sharing it.

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Thanks Mila, that means a lot from you and all your years of writing experience!! ❤️

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I love the topic choice! I can relate 100% to how you feel. 8 months after leaving my job, I still feel this way lol. Here's to struggling together.

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We’re in this together my friend!! ❤️

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What most people think writers have is time. I've been approached by too many people who said, "I have (or my friend has) a great idea for a book/screenplay. I/they just need a writer because I/they don't have time to do it myself/themselves." The thing is, they were talking to someone who had a day job, FFS. I gave up nights, weekends and holidays to get anything written. So what writers actually have is dedication. And, like grapes and diamonds, we respond well to pressure. The less time we have, the more writing we get done. Because we *have* to. When we don't have to, we don't know how to fake that pressure. It becomes a different muscle to tone. We have to discipline ourselves in a different way. And it's not as fun as we think it would be. Just don't fall for the BS that you have to be "in the mood/zone" to write. That's garbage lazy writers will say. You want a glass of wine? Stomp the grapes. You want a diamond? Start squeezing. The muse will learn to come when you call her. In return, you have to respond when she calls (even if that's a jot on a Post-It or a voice memo). You'll learn your style of writing, Sue. But the biggest lesson is we can shape that style into what we want it to be. xo

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Got it! Super helpful advice and pep talk (or kick in the can, and I am more than game for those from you Sandra Ann). Thanks so much! ❤️

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