We await your word! I am thinking if I should choose a word or thought for the year as well, for myself, family, community, country, world! Not sure yet! I am excited to find out if one word, or several words are appropriate!

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Hola , Un Saludo , Feliz Navidad Y Próspero Año Nuevo 2024.

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Can't wait for the reveal! 👀

I loved your questions at the end, which got me thinking about this upcoming year from a different angle. I think I'd like to welcome a greater sense of trust in myself in 2024. I gravitate toward creating structure in all aspects of life, sometimes because I worry I won't follow through with <insert important goal here> without the scaffolding or accountability.

It's a nice time to reconsider how much of that energy should be carried forward into the new year...or cleared away for something new to take its place.

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I love this thought Maddie - finding the balance, the happy medium....the place to lean into parts of our personality that are not our most comfortable gear. You got me thinking too......thanks!

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