I am totally ready! Both for Connor in L.A. and Kendall's world domination. Bring it!!! Such a beautiful post, Sue. Congratulations, all. xo

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another excellent post. Congratulations to Kendall!

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Sue......Your are so lucky to have a family around you, to travel with you after your loss of Mike. I have no family. My sweet Joan was my family and I miss her so much. My friends don't know what to say, so they say and do nothing. I feel my sadness and loneliness will never end.

Don Leedy........West Chester, OH

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So good. Wow that last picture. Kendall - no braces, no glasses, all grown up and looking so much like you Sue. And wow, Connor looks exactly like Mike - and three years ago I thought Connor could not have looked anymore like Mike then. Just need some wire glasses. It's funny how in my mind all kiddos stay the same age as when I first met them. Cheers to your family and the launch pad you built! 🥂 🚀 🤍💙 🙏

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Thanks Tracy! That boy is just as handsome as his handsome father! And just as sweet and kind. (But definitely a little less intense! ❤️ )

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