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Yes!! Reading this newsletter while drinking coffee and watching the autumn leaves swirl, I recognized a kindred spirit.

I first began shedding input during Covid, when I was isolated and sad and first realized that could do nothing about the parade of tragedies, so why was I letting them into my life, where they sat and festered and mocked me, contributing to my black, sad mood?

It’s a constant project. The newsletters from the Washington Post and The Atlantic, which I used to enjoy, now go directly to junk mail because they now are only about politics and add nothing to my day; in fact they are a detriment.

It’s so freeing *not to know—or care.* Highly recommended.

Glad you’re finding this peace as well.

The only downside is that these days everyone’s life events are announced on Facebook. No more cute baby announcements snail mailed to you; no more personal communication. So I miss a lot. But eventually I find out. Alas.

Happy Saturday.


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